Student Problems in Learning and Alternative Solutions for Students at SDN 101888
EDUCTUM: Journal Research


Student Development
Individual Differences of Students
Alternative Solutions

How to Cite

Raihaniffah, R., Sirait, S. E., & Nst, N. (2024). Student Problems in Learning and Alternative Solutions for Students at SDN 101888. EDUCTUM: Journal Research, 3(5), 152–157.


This writing aims to determine the various forms of student problems and alternative solutions that can be given to the problems experienced by students in the learning process in class V SDN 101888 Sei Merah. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research type to present a complete picture of the problems in a system of thought or current event class using a pedagogical and sociological approach. The study was conducted at SDN 101888 Sei Merah with the research subjects being 34 class V students. The data collection method used in the study is based on data obtained from interviews and processing and describing meaningful and easily understood data, namely by conducting observations by observing class 5 students. The results of the study indicate that the form of student problems in learning experienced by class V students of SDN 101888 Sei Merah is difficulty in student development and individual differences in students as well as alternative solutions for educators according to researchers. There are two factors that cause learning difficulties, namely internal factors and external factors. Educational problems found by researchers based on observations of elementary schools in grade 5 include student development, individual differences between students, learning processes, memory, knowledge, learning theories, learning motivation, and measurement and evaluation in learning.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Raihaniffah Raihaniffah, Sari Enjelina Sirait, Nurpaujiah Nst