Economic: Journal Economic and Business, published by the Lembaga Riset Mutiara Akbar, Medan, Indonesia was first published on Oktober 1, 2022 with an online number E-ISSN 2963-8801 with the number SK 0005.29638801/K.4/SK.ISSN/2022.09  (Pusat Data Dan Dokumentasi Ilmiah Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia) which is an open access journal that can be used as a media interaction for all scholars in various economic and business, Accounting, economic development study and research. The subject includes textual studies and field work with various perspectives economic and business. The journal works for Scholars, researchers, lecturers, as well as professors from various institutions and affiliates in the world.

This journal is indexed by Google Scholar, Garuda, Dimensions, Crossref. Economic: Journal Economic and Business will be published four times annually, January, April, Juli, Oktober (4 issues/year).  The journal serves as a forum for economic and business, Accounting, economic development study and research, Information Technology and educational research in Indonesia and other parts of the world in a local and challenging global context, supporting focused studies of specific themes and interdisciplinary studies. Economic: Journal Economic and Business has been a diffusion media and exchange of ideas and research findings so that many researchers, writers, and readers of the various learning traditions have interacted scientifically.

The accepted journal is expected to be related to new technologies and current issues. Please read these journal Guidelines and Template Carefully. Authors who want to submit their manuscript to the editorial of Economic: Journal Economic and Business should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will BE REJECTED by the editors before further reviewed. The editors will only accept the manuscripts which meet the assigned format. Open Journal Systems (OJS) has been applied for all business process in Economic: Journal Economic and Business. Therefore, the authors are required to register in advance and upload the manuscript by online. The process of the manuscript could be monitored through OJS. Authors, readers, editorial board, editors, and peer review could obtain the real time status of the manuscript.

Vol. 3 No. 4 (2024): ECONOMIC: Journal Economic and Business

Published: 2024-09-07

The Influence of Regional Financial Independence Ratio, Pad Efficiency Ratio, and Pad Effectiveness Ratio on Regional Income of Bandung City

Nasirwan Nasirwan, Azzahra Yuni Puspita, Darryl Galed Suranta Tarigan, Fajar Setiawan | Pages: 172-178

The Influence of Service Quality and Atmosphere on Customer Satisfaction at Cassiavera Restaurant Medan

Anisa Yulianti Silitonga, Aprina Septauli Manurung, Eliata Simandalahi, Nurul Khaira Batubara, Rindy Endry Yani, Agus Rahmadsyah | Pages: 179-182

The Influence of Consumer Characteristics on Insurance Product Purchase Decisions at Pan Pacific Insurance. PT – Medan

Faruq Syauqi Ismail, Najdi Nawri Sulaiman, Habli Ridho Febrian, Alexander Stefanus Sinulingga | Pages: 183-188

The Influence of Population and GRDP on Community Consumption in North Sumatra Province

Siti Alifah Handayani, Agustin Mahardika Tampubolon, Tri Kurnia, Arnol Prabowo Siagian, Rolil Rambe | Pages: 189-197

Implementation of Accounting Code of Ethics Based on Islamic and Christian Scriptures for Accounting Students at Medan State University

Anggi Zahwa Yunita Lubis, Andico Julius Sihombing, Benediktus Hasoloan Pasaribu, Nasirwan Nasirwan | Pages: 198-207

The Influence of the Work Budget Plan and Budget Realization Report on the Financial Performance of the North Sumatra Provincial Government

Nasirwan Nasirwan, Andico Julius Sihombing, Christy Amelia Rotua Sibarani, Benediktus Hasoloan Pasaribu | Pages: 208-217

Literature Study of the Impact of Regional Financial Management, Accountability, and Transparency on Regional Government Financial Performance

Bela Putri Saqina Sipahutar, Diba Ameilia Rahwani, Dwi Fadhillah Apriliana Zebua | Pages: 218-222

The Impact of Implementation of Government Accounting Standards on the Quality of Government Financial Reports

Ega Priscilla Rumapea, Evelin Demiana Lovely Napitupulu, Fatimah Zahra | Pages: 223-231

Analysis of Teamwork Dynamics and Its Impact on Sales Performance at PT Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk Medan

Devi Aprilia Lubis, Rangga Hadi Wijaya, Muhammad Akbar Sampurno, Zahratun Nisa, Dina Sarah Syahreza, Hilma Harmen | Pages: 243-249

Analysis of the Role of Teamwork in Improving Sales Performance at PT. Alfa Scorpii Sentral Yamaha Medan

Natasyah Nelfita, Dina Sarah Syahreza, Aprinawati Aprinawati, Yesayas Roganda Rumapea, Eva Natasya, Muhammad Reza Syahputra | Pages: 250-254
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